Graduate Program in Animal Science
The Graduate Program in Animal Science prospects the realization of innovative projects, aiming to increase the scientific production, as well as to produce tangible benefits for the society. In addition, the development of clinical and laboratory projects, involving different areas of knowledge, such as anesthesiology, clinical pathology, physiology, medical clinic, nutrition, molecular biology, reproduction, parasitic, infectious and zoonotic diseases aims to train researchers with a broad and critical view of social reality, favoring the exercise of intellectual autonomy and maturity in scientific research and technological development.
Target Audience: Professionals with bachelor´s degree in Veterinary Medicine. Graduated in Agrarian, Biological and Health Sciences and related areas.
Area of concentration: Animal Physiopathology

Overview: Development of experimental studies in laboratory animals, as well as clinical studies that evaluate the development of therapeutic behaviors and new technologies that can be applied in the different areas involved in this research line.
Related Faculty:
- Anthony César Souza Castilho
- Caliê Castilho
- Cecília Braga Laposy
- Francis Lopes Pacagnelli
- Ines Cristina Giometti
- Renata Navarro Cassu
- Rosa Maria Barilli Nogueira
- Silvia Maria Franco Andrade
Overview: Development of studies with emphasis on the control of the main parasitic, infectious and zoonotic diseases that affect domestic animals.
Related Faculty:
- Rogério Giuffrida
- Vamilton Alvares Santarém
Overview: Development of projects with emphasis on studies involving tissue and cellular aggression, immunity, nutrition and animal production.
Related Faculty:
- Giseli Alborghetti Nai
- Hermann Bremer Neto
- Anthony César de Souza Castilho ( (orcid 0000-0003-1666-7021)
- Caliê Castilho (
Cecília Braga Laposy (
Graduation: Veterinary Medicine. Universidade Paulista (1995). Master Degree: Veterinary Medicine (Clinical Medicine). Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Unesp - Botucatu (2001)./ Doctor Degree: Veterinary Medicine (Clinical Medicine). Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Unesp - Botucatu (2004)./ Current Academic Activities: Professor (Unoeste) - Veterinary Medicine (Graduation- since 1998); Animal Science (Post Graduation- since 2006)./ Subject Areas: Veterinary Clínical Pathology/ Supervision Concluded: Master Program: 11. Graduation: 35./ Current Supervision: 1 Doctor. 5 Master. 7 Graduation students./ Publications: 42 papers in scientific journals./ Reviewer in Scientific Journals: 7 journals./ Current Extensive Activities: 3 projects (Unoeste)./ Current Studies: wound healing; platelet-rich plasma; fibrin-rich plasma; rosuvastatin; cicatrix; collagen.
- Francis Lopes Pacagnelli (
- Giseli Alborghetti Nai (
Hermann Bremer Neto (
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul / UFMS / MS, Master in Animal Science from the Paulista State University Julio de Mesquita Filho / UNESP / Botucatu / SP and Doctor of Science from the Center of Nuclear Energy in Agriculture / SCENE / USP / Piracicaba / SP. Professor of Biophysics and Head of the Department of Functional Sciences of Universidade do Oeste Paulista / UNOESTE / SP. It is linked to Medicine, Biological Sciences and Physiotherapy courses and to the Master's Program in Animal Science and PhD in Pathophysiology and Animal Health of UNOESTE, where he develops studies in the areas of tissue and cellular aggression, immunity and nutrition in humans or animals, as an experimental model, in partnership with researchers from public and private institutions.
Renata Navarro Cassu ( (orcid 0000-0003-0681-0285)
Graduation: Veterinary Medicine. Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Unesp - Botucatu (1995). Master Degree: Faculty of Medicine (Experimental Anesthesioly). Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Unesp - Botucatu (1999)./ Doctor Degree: Faculty of Medicine (Experimental Anesthesioly). Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Unesp - Botucatu (2002)./ Current Academic Activities: Professor (Unoeste) - Veterinary Medicine (Graduation- since 1999); Animal Science (Post Graduation- since 2006)./ Subject Areas: Veterinary Anesthesiology/ Acupuncture/Analgesia. Supervision Concluded: Master Program: 15. Graduation: 33/ Current Supervision: 1 Doctor. 4 Master. 7 Graduation students./ Publications: 39 papers in scientific journals./ Reviewer in Scientific Journals: 4 journals./ Current Extensive Activities: 3 projects (Unoeste)./ Current Studies: analgesia; acupuncture; anesthesia; cesarean; postoperative pain.
- Rogério Giuffrida (
- Rosa Maria Barilli Nogueira (
- Silvia Maria Franco Andrade (
Vamilton Alvares Santarém (
Graduation: Veterinary Medicine. Universidade Federal da Bahia (1993). Master Degree: Veterinary Medicine (Clinical Medicine). Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Unesp - Botucatu (1998)./ Doctor Degree: Veterinary Medicine (Clinical Medicine). Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Unesp - Botucatu (2003)./ Current Academic Activities: Professor (Unoeste) - Veterinary Medicine (Graduation); Animal Science (Post Graduation); Master in Health Sciences (Medicine II- Capes)./ Subject Areas: Zoonosis and Veterinary Parasitology./ Supervision Concluded: Master Program: 15. Graduation: 39./ Current Supervision: 2 Doctor. 3 Master. 7 Graduation students./ Society Member: São Paulo Parasitology Society; Brazilian Veterinary Parasitology College./ Publications: 37 papers in scientific journals. 7 chapters in technical books./ Reviewer in Scientific Journals: 15 journals./ Current Extensive Activities: 3 projects (Unoeste)./ Current Studies: larva migrans; soil contamination; equine parasitology; innovative methods for evaluation of soil contamination by parasites.
Associate Faculty:
- Ines Cristina Giometti (
Marilice Zundt Astolphi (
Graduated in ZOOTECNIA - ESAPP (1998). Master (2001) and PhD (2004) in Animal Production, UEM (State University of Maringá-PR), Assistant Professor at the Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE), ministering disciplines in the area of Bromatology and Animal Nutrition, Goat and sheep producer, and collaborator in the Program (UNOESTE, Presidente Prudente/SP), develops research in the area of animal nutrition, with emphasis on performance, evaluation of ruminant foods, meat quality, carcass evaluation and animal welfare.
Compulsory Courses:
Biostatistics Applied to Research I (2 credits; 30 hours) - Methods used for planning, compiling, describing and analyzing research data for the detection of scientific evidence. Professor: Rogério Giuffrida
Biostatistics Applied to Research II (2 credits; 30 hours) - Approach the fundamentals of biostatistics for the elaboration of research projects and interpretations of scientific data, within the scientific rigor required for the academic environment. Professor: Rogério Giuffrida
Research Methodology (2 credits; 30 hours) - Fundamentals and practices for the elaboration of research projects, dissertations / theses and scientific articles in the area of Animal Pathophysiology. Professor: Vamilton Álvares Santarém
Elective Courses:
Bioengineering and Tissue Repair (3 credits, 45 hours) - Behavior and potentials of the use of biomaterials and nanotoxicology for regenerative medicine applications. Translational research. Professors: Cecília Braga Laposy / Rosa Maria Barilli Nogueira
Basic Education (3 credits; 45 hours) - Practices for elaboration and application of Social Projects in Basic Education focused on Pathophysiology and Animal Welfare and Collective Health. Professor: Vamilton Alvares Santarém
Physical Exercises for Patients with Heart Diseases - Comparison with Animal Model (3 credits; 45 hours) - Phases of cardiovascular rehabilitation, risk stratification and physical exercise prescription in cardiovascular conditions in humans and in a comparative manner. Professor: Francis Lopes Pacagnelli
Compared Ophthalmology (3 credits; 45 hours) - To approach and compare the semiological, clinical, pathophysiological and therapeutic aspects of the main ophthalmological disorders between domestic animals and the human species. Professor: Silvia Franco Andrade
Molecular and Reproductive Techniques in Research (3 credits; 45 hours) - Genetic and protein expression; Reverse transcription reaction followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR); Conventional and real-time PCR; Western Blot and Immunohistochemistry; Recombinant DNA technology; Cloning and Transgenics; Induction and synchronization of estrus and ovulation; Artificial insemination; Embryo Transfer; In vitro embryo production (PIVE). Professors: Caliê Castilho / Ines Cristina Giometti
Advanced Topics on Pain Therapeutics ( 2 credits; 30 hours) - Principles of the mechanisms involved in the drugs used in the treatment of acute and chronic pain. Non-pharmacological therapies for pain control. Professor: Renata Navarro Cassu
Molecular Endocrinology of Reproduction (3 credits; 45 hours) - Hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis; Receptors bound to G protein; General aspects of LH and FSH receptors; Gonadotropins and their receptors; Molecular analyzes for investigation of reproductive mechanisms in mammals; MicroRNAs. Professor: Anthony César de Souza Castilho
Multimodal analgesia in dogs
Professor: Renata Navarro Cassu -
Morphofunctional and physiological aspects of the cardiorespiratory, motor and metabolic systems
Professor: Francis Lopes Pacagnelli -
Biotechniques applied to the reproduction of domestic animals
Professor: Ines Cristina Giometti / Caliê Castilho -
Study of therapeutic protocols in the treatment of dry keratoconjunctivitis
Professor: Silvia Maria Caldeira Franco Andrade -
Applied veterinary clinical pathology
Professor: Cecilia Braga Laposy -
Research in clinical medicine, pathology and immunology
Professors: Luiz Euribel Prestes Carneiro / Gisele AlborghetttiNai -
Veterinary toxicology
Professor: Rosa Maria Barilli Nogueira -
Tropical parasitic zoonoses in domestic animals and their transmitting agents
Professor: Vamilton Alvares Santarém
- Characterization of micromes (miRNAS) in bovine antral follicles in nelore females: involvement in ovarian follicular cell differentiation and regulation of LH receptor (LHR) expression. FINANCIAL SUPPORT: GRANT #2013/11480-3, SÃO PAULO RESEARCH FOUNDATION (FAPESP).
- In vitro maturation of cumulus-oocyte complexes of dutch cows with serum protein a associated to pregnancy (PAPPA): effects on production and embryo quality. FINANCIAL SUPPORT: GRANT # 403063/2016-7, NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT, CNPq.
- Intra-articular botulinum toxin as adjuvant in pain control in dogs with coxofemoral dysplasia. FINANCIAL SUPPORT: GRANT #2013/18147-8, SÃO PAULO RESEARCH FOUNDATION (FAPESP).
- Topical use of mesenchymal heterologous stem cells removed from canine adipose tissues in the treatment of dry keratoconjunctivitis in dogs. FINANCIAL SUPPORT: GRANT #2016/07044-1, SÃO PAULO RESEARCH FOUNDATION (FAPESP).
- Morphometry and gene expression of induced wounds in rabbits and treated with biomaterials and rosuvastatin. FINANCIAL SUPPORT: GRANT #2016/25938-0, SÃO PAULO RESEARCH FOUNDATION (FAPESP).
- Effect of prebiotic, probiotic and symbiotic on histological and microbiological parameters of the lung and spleen of rats chronically exposed to cigarette smoke
- Influence of high intensity interval training on the cardiac function of spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Lipidic profile of follicular fluid of dutch breed cows and its correlation with the in vitro production of embryos (PIVE)
- Molecular characterization of TOXOCARA spp. Eggs in soil samples from parks and public gardens of Presidente Prudente, SP.
- Effect of quercetin supplementation on the lipid and antiobesogenic profile in wistar rats fed with obesogenic ration
- Oxidative stress in the diaphragm muscle of cor pulmonale model rats submitted to preventive training
- Effect of probiotic supplementation on wistar rats with induced colon tumor submitted to 5-FLUOROURACIL chemotherapy
Candidates may submit an application or fill out a prospective form online for further contact from the University.
The Graduate Program in Animal Science receives Ph.D. professionals for postdoctoral internships. Applications should include a proposal containing: a pre-research project, a personal statement describing the applicant’s interest in the Animal Physiopathology studies and career goals and a letter of recommendation from the researcher’s primary faculty advisor. The application should also indicate who would be the researcher’s program advisor, who must be a member of the program faculty.
Please submit your application or proposal to the addresses listed at the "CONTACT US" section.
Founded in 1972, the University of Western São Paulo – UNOESTE is committed to building character, modeling values, and ensuring that students graduate with not only hands-on experience in their field of study, but also with the necessary life skills to be successful.
Rooted in the major areas of knowledge, UNOESTE is a private comprehensive institution with around 18,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Its mission is to provide educational experiences that enlighten, challenge, and prepare students to lead lives of significance in complex global communities, being recognized for the excellence of its academic programs, the depth of its values-based culture, and the breadth of its inclusiveness.
The city of Presidente Prudente is located in the western region of São Paulo State, and is recognized as presenting one of the highest HDI values in Brazil. In this city, every citizen receives extraordinary opportunities for high level education in an inspiring environment.
Although it is a modern and cosmopolitan city, it still maintains many aspects of a small inner city, where people are welcoming, willing to dialogue and mutual understanding, under excellent levels of public safety. In addition, the city has a recognized high cultural level, with theaters, cinemas, artistic and musical presentations, as well as excellent facilities for daily activities, such as an efficient transportation system, and a wide availability of department stores, shopping malls, recreational clubs, gardens and public parks.
Our responsibility is to help prepare students with the knowledge of how to live at the highest of their potential. As a member of our university community, we want you to know that we are committed to making your experience the best it can be.
For more information, please contact:
International Cooperation Office (ICO)
Tel: +55 18 3229-3288
Fax: +55 18 3229-2080
Secretary - Graduate Program in Animal Science
E-mail: or
Tel: +55 18 3229-3264
Tel: +55 18 3229-2000 Internal extension: 2131
Dean of Research and Graduate Studies
University of Western São Paulo – UNOESTE - Campus II
Rodovia Raposo Tavares, km 572
CEP 19.067-175 Presidente Prudente (SP)