BOCA 5 Maratona de Programacao da FIPP - FIPP/UNOESTE


Runs by Problem

espaco balloon 120 (0%)
esquerda balloon 10119 (19%)
fake balloon 4611 (24%)
headtail balloon 6522 (34%)
hist balloon 209 (45%)

Runs by Problem and Answer

Problems x AnswersNo - Compilation errorNo - Incorrect outputNo - Output format errorNo - Runtime errorNo - Time limit exceededYESTotal
espaco balloon 1 (8%)7 (58%)04 (33%)0012
esquerda balloon 11 (11%)40 (40%)8 (8%)9 (9%)14 (14%)19 (19%)101
fake balloon 4 (9%)25 (54%)1 (2%)1 (2%)4 (9%)11 (24%)46
headtail balloon 18 (28%)18 (28%)05 (8%)2 (3%)22 (34%)65
hist balloon 09 (45%)02 (10%)09 (45%)20

Runs by Problem and Language

Problems x LanguagesCC++JAVAPascalTotal
espaco balloon 8 (67%)3 (25%)01 (8%)12
esquerda balloon 62 (61%)20 (20%)2 (2%)17 (17%)101
fake balloon 24 (52%)10 (22%)2 (4%)10 (22%)46
headtail balloon 40 (62%)8 (12%)2 (3%)15 (23%)65
hist balloon 7 (35%)03 (15%)10 (50%)20

Runs by Language

C14131 (22%)
C++417 (17%)
JAVA97 (78%)
Pascal5316 (30%)

Runs by Language and Answer

Languages x AnswersNo - Compilation errorNo - Incorrect outputNo - Output format errorNo - Runtime errorNo - Time limit exceededYESTotal
C21 (15%)55 (39%)5 (4%)14 (10%)15 (11%)31 (22%)141
C++10 (24%)12 (29%)4 (10%)3 (7%)5 (12%)7 (17%)41
JAVA02 (22%)0007 (78%)9
Pascal3 (6%)30 (57%)04 (8%)016 (30%)53

Runs by Answer

No - Compilation error34
No - Incorrect output99
No - Output format error9
No - Runtime error21
No - Time limit exceeded20

Runs by User and Problem

Users x Problemsespaco balloon esquerda balloon fake balloon headtail balloon hist balloon TotalAccepted
ComPuta ção 81 (8%)3 (25%)1 (8%)3 (25%)4 (33%)124 (33%)
The Klingon Brongs01 (20%)1 (20%)1 (20%)2 (40%)54 (80%)
osUltimos.web();01 (25%)1 (25%)1 (25%)1 (25%)43 (75%)
Panda Killers1 (6%)8 (47%)4 (24%)2 (12%)2 (12%)174 (24%)
SG(Science Generation)1 (8%)9 (69%)1 (8%)2 (15%)0132 (15%)
POG Team014 (64%)1 (5%)6 (27%)1 (5%)225 (23%)
Programming Boys2 (15%)9 (69%)02 (15%)0131 (8%)
Off Course My Horse02 (33%)1 (17%)1 (17%)2 (33%)64 (67%)
Void Main Void07 (78%)1 (11%)1 (11%)093 (33%)
RNSG Team01 (14%)1 (14%)2 (29%)3 (43%)74 (57%)
O Chico, for(i=1; i<0; i++) funciona???05 (28%)9 (50%)4 (22%)0182 (11%)
PC-ME (Puts Cade Meu Else)03 (30%)4 (40%)3 (30%)0102 (20%)
Los Sustentados pelas Muié1 (7%)9 (64%)04 (29%)0142 (14%)
C+-1 (7%)7 (47%)3 (20%)2 (13%)2 (13%)155 (33%)
Balao Magico1 (8%)8 (62%)3 (23%)1 (8%)0132 (15%)
Chuck Norris1 (7%)1 (7%)5 (36%)7 (50%)0141 (7%)
Baloes++1 (8%)1 (8%)1 (8%)9 (69%)1 (8%)134 (31%)
inside of the mind02 (40%)1 (20%)1 (20%)1 (20%)54 (80%)
Just-In-Time Debugger03 (100%)00030
Os inimigos do Zobaido02 (13%)4 (25%)10 (63%)0161 (6%)
O Linux é meu pastor e nada me travará!01 (14%)3 (43%)2 (29%)1 (14%)73 (43%)
Void_( Main );2 (25%)4 (50%)1 (13%)1 (13%)081 (13%)

Runs by Time Period

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