BOCA 4ª Maratona de Programação da FIPP/UNOESTE (15/05/2008)


Runs by Problem

bafo balloon 6817 (25%)
he balloon 2711 (41%)
lobo balloon 10 (0%)
magic balloon 31 (33%)
penalidade balloon 190 (0%)

Runs by Problem and Answer

Problems x AnswersCompilation errorIncorrect outputOutput format errorRuntime errorTime limit exceededYESTotal
bafo balloon 5 (7%)33 (49%)3 (4%)10 (15%)017 (25%)68
he balloon 015 (56%)1 (4%)0011 (41%)27
lobo balloon 01 (100%)00001
magic balloon 02 (67%)0001 (33%)3
penalidade balloon 1 (5%)7 (37%)06 (32%)5 (26%)019

Runs by Problem and Language

Problems x LanguagesCPascalTotal
bafo balloon 2 (3%)66 (97%)68
he balloon 2 (7%)25 (93%)27
lobo balloon 01 (100%)1
magic balloon 03 (100%)3
penalidade balloon 019 (100%)19

Runs by Language

C43 (75%)
Pascal11426 (23%)

Runs by Language and Answer

Languages x AnswersCompilation errorIncorrect outputOutput format errorRuntime errorTime limit exceededYESTotal
C01 (25%)0003 (75%)4
Pascal6 (5%)57 (50%)4 (4%)16 (14%)5 (4%)26 (23%)114

Runs by Answer

Compilation error6
Incorrect output58
Output format error4
Runtime error16
Time limit exceeded5

Runs by User and Problem

Users x Problemsbafo balloon he balloon lobo balloon magic balloon penalidade balloon TotalAccepted
FIPP/UNOESTE #1.53 (33%)1 (11%)005 (56%)92 (22%)
Não Sei Ainda2 (67%)1 (33%)00032 (67%)
nois := elas^.prox;4 (80%)1 (20%)00052 (40%)
Oww Brother2 (40%)1 (20%)002 (40%)52 (40%)
Eu nem queria bexiga mesmo!1 (50%)1 (50%)00022 (100%)
Program´s Girls2 (40%)2 (40%)001 (20%)52 (40%)
Pascal ++7 (54%)0006 (46%)131 (8%)
Sapo Antunes1 (20%)1 (20%)03 (60%)053 (60%)
Bixos_copiladores3 (60%)2 (40%)00051 (20%)
Google Junior´s4 (80%)1 (20%)00051 (20%)
Noobies2 (67%)1 (33%)00032 (67%)
The POGgers12 (80%)3 (20%)000151 (7%)
Eu não gosto destes...9 (64%)5 (36%)000141 (7%)
Discipulos do Fardão ;D2 (67%)1 (33%)00032 (67%)
RECURSIVIDADE ZERO7 (88%)1 (13%)00082 (25%)
Oia Mãe Nóis Sabe Pograma!2 (22%)4 (44%)1 (11%)02 (22%)91 (11%)
Tião Bolinha5 (56%)1 (11%)003 (33%)92 (22%)

Runs by Time Period

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